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Pandemic Travel Tips & Tricks

Pandemic Travel Tips & Tricks

Now that we have covered the basics of hand hygiene and masking, let’s talk about a few other things. Are you able to fly out of a small airport? The smaller airport, the smaller crowds, and that means less chance of exposure.  Anything you can 

How do you travel safely during a pandemic?

How do you travel safely during a pandemic?

First, I would like to thank you for reading my first blog post. It was my intention to start this blog about 6 months ago, but, you know, life. If you are anything like me, you have dearly missed traveling. It is crazy to think 

Say hello to Life on State St

Say hello to Life on State St

Who hasn’t felt that tingle of excitement when tasting something all new and all amazing?  It’s almost better than sex.  Almost.  But you need to find another site if sex is your thing.

You have life stories full of excitement, humor, sadness, toil, and pleasure.  I hope we can keep up.

We want to add a few more things to your already full life: CAFFEINE, BOOZE, and FLAVOR!

Sara loves coffee and tea.  She rarely makes it out of bed in the morning without first taking a sip of something caffeinated.

Rob indulges in all things boozy at all times of the day.  He never feels comfortable sitting still unless he has a drink in his hand.

If you decide to join us, we will bring you all the tastes (for better or worse) we discover on our journey.  You can avoid our mistakes, copy our successes, and delight in the happy accidents we make.  Because there are ALWAYS happy accidents.

This blog is for people who want to discover, share, grow, and make the most of the whirlwind we call life that is happening around us.  Please come along as we discover new techniques to intensify flavor in your life.  And we’re going to focus on melding that flavor with alcohol, coffee, and tea.

WARNING: There will be tangents!  You won’t be interested in every word on here.  We’ll do our best to organize and tag concepts so you can find exactly what you want and avoid what you don’t care about.

Now, grab your favorite potable and get ready to experience Life on State St.

A little more about Sara & Rob:

Everyone thinks that Sara is smart, except Sara.  She is a one-woman force of production and creativity who is constantly in desperate need of new outlets.  Thus, was born Life on State St.  She rarely has the time to bother with details like writing a blog, recording recipes, or measuring ingredients.  She just gets shit done.  She can taste something, tell you what’s in it, and what you need to add to it or subtract from it in order to make it better.  She can look at a wall, look at a bunch of pictures, and lay out exactly how they should be arranged for maximum impact.

Everyone thinks that Rob is smart, especially Rob.  He’s actually just really good at staying quiet and nodding along with people.  Not big on creativity or originality, he is gifted with the patience to dissect and sift through concepts to find what many other people may dismiss.  Then he deconstructs those concepts and presents them with his own twist.  And people love him for it.  Voila, brilliance! He’s the main writer, editor, and content organizer here.  And he’s willing to drink anything with alcohol in it at least once, which makes him a solid test subject for Sara’s never-ending creativity.